Screen Shot 2020-04-07 at 09.04.51.pngThere were quite a few conversations on supporting healthcare workers with visors for their close contact with patients. Some really innovative ideas came forth e.g. using filing sleeves threaded with glasses by someone wearing glasses.

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There were also two videos shared that were very useful. The first was VERY useful!

Some members complained about not being able to get permits to deliver fabric to sewing groups. The local SAPS were saying they were not ‘essential’ It was suggested that the Western Cape Guidelines be used to motivate. Instructions on use were also available. Instructions face mask

Making your own face mask? Some fabrics work better than others, study finds was shared. There were various options of things between a double layer of cotton e.g. vilene, paper towel, vacuum cleaner HEPA filters, coffee filters etc.  A DIY-cloth-face-covering-instructions was shared.

There was also concern about corporates discouraging mass for all.

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and a poem from a century ago shared

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The coordinating team also gave some feedback

Hi all. Just some feedback from the coordinating team. We are really grateful for all the great input here and the networking happening across the country in district groups (see link). Its is where the action is – talking to each other and making things happen. We are trying flesh out a formal organisation that can support this better. Here are the draft purpose, values and objectives we are incorporating. Proposal for Organisation We still beating into shape but comments are welcome

We are busy making a draft Service Level Agreement that people can use on the ground to allow donations of fabric and other things. We will circulate shortly. We hope this can be used to facilitate permits for delivery as well. Whilst we fix the orgn the marketing team will meet to explore how we can build on this #masks4all campaign together with other initiatives @Scott Ferguson @Tyrone Rubin @Grant De Sousa @Ryan . We are also in discussion with small manufacturers to make cheap good masks for sale/donation with proceeds towards supporting small sewing operations across SA. We are working with UCTA to coordinate all small manufacturers. Pls join them. UCTA AMENDED CONSTITUTION 2019.pdf