Besrour Publications

Family medicine around the world: overview by region

The Besrour Conferences

Developing the evidentiary basis for family medicine in the global context

Approaching a global definition of family medicine

Narratives in family medicine: a global perspective

Lessons learned in global family medicine education from a Besrour Centre capacity-building workshop

Achieving competencies in family medicine through continuing professional development


Articles and Videos of Interest

A Comprehensive Assessment of Family Physicians Gender and Quality of Care

Minding the Gap: Factors Associated With Primary Care Coordination of Adults in 11 Countries. Ann Fam Med 2017;15(2):113-119.

Faculty development in family medicine education: what is needed?

Policy Bite – Professor Katherine Rouleau
Written by Professor Katherine Rouleau of the Besrour Centre of the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
The Government of Canada has recently undertaken a public review and consultation to renew Canada’s international assistance policy and funding framework. The Besrour Centre submitted a response which highlighted the strengthening of global family medicine and primary care as a key element of Canada’s international development policy, and as a key pathway to health equity.”

Association between continuity of care in general practice and hospital admissions for ambulatory care sensitive conditions: cross sectional study of routinely collected, person level data

La médecine de famille et la médecine communautaire: une médecine d’avenir (French only)

Newsletter Feb 2018