Transforming our world the 2030 agenda for sustainable development is working towards a world that reflects equity, with universal respect for human dignity, pledging to leave no one behind. However, transgender and gender-diverse individuals experience signifcant health inequities, including negative health outcomes and multiple barriers to accessing care. In this article, we frst highlight the health inequities that transgender and gender-diverse people face globally. We describe important aspects of transgender and gender-diverse health care, including the design and provision of health services, epidemiological considerations, transition-related care, changes in transition-related goals, cultural considerations, and political and legal issues. We then review the existing global literature on incorporating transgender health into medical curricula. We make a case for prioritizing improved education in medical schools on the specifc health needs of transgender and gender-diverse people as part of addressing global health inequities in care. Our recommendations

for comprehensive education on transgender health include cultural humility and anti-oppression training; involvement of transgender
and gender-diverse community members; integration of transgender and gender-diverse health into curricula; practice-focused and in situtraining; staff development in medical schools; and improving access to careers in medicine for transgender and gender-diverse people…more