Postpartum haemorrhage (severe bleeding after childbirth, or PPH) is the leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in developing countries.  More than 30 percent of maternal deaths worldwide are attributable to PPH, accounting for approximately 130,000 deaths and 2.6 million disabled women every year.

Medical Aid Films, in partnership with the Division of Global Health and Human Rights at Massachusetts General Hospital, has produced a new film about how to stop bleeding from the uterus after birth using an award-winning, minimally invasive, and highly effective treatment, the Every Second Matters for Mothers and Babies- Uterine Balloon Tamponade (ESM-UBT).

Watch or download the film for free: How to use the uterine balloon tamponade

The ESM-UBT – a simple kit assembled from components readily available in developing countries – has been shown to rapidly halt blood loss in women suffering from uncontrolled PPH.  Introduced in eight countries including South Sudan, Kenya and Sierra Leone, it has resulted in a 96% survival rate among critically ill women.  As an ultra-low cost treatment (each kit costing less than $5), this provides a truly cost-effective way to save lives.

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Many thanks,

Will Sanderson | Fundraising & Communications Coordinator | Medical Aid Films
16 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3ED, UK

HIFA profile: Will Sanderson is Fundraising & Communications Coordinator at Medical Aid Films, London, UK.  will AT